Collaboration for Effective Learning

Faculty Profile

Name of the faculty: Manas Ranjan Nayak

Academic Title: Assistant Professor

Area of Expertise :

University: Regional College of Management (RCM), Bhubaneswar 



Research Area Interests   

  • M.Tech. in CSE, CET Bhubaneswar BPUT, (2007-09 batch). 8.6 CGPA
  • MCA BIT, Mesra (1995-98 batch) 6.8 CGPA
  • Webneuron Services Limited, New Delhi Sept, 1998 –Mar, 2001
    Software Developer.
  • Institute of Business and Computer Studies, Bhubaneswar April, 2001 –Mar, 2003
    Lecturer, Dept.Of Computer Application.
  • Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar 3rd April 2003 – 2015.Asst. Professor, Dept. Of Computer Application.
  • Gandhi Institute For Technology, Bhubaneswar 2nd June, 2016 – June, 2017. Asst. professor. Dept. of Computer Sc. and Engineering.
  • Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar April, 2023 – Till date.
    Asst. Professor, Dept. Of Computer Application.
  • Mobile Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Object Oriented System, Software Engineering
  • Management Information System.
  1. M. R Nayak,G. Tripathy A.K. Rath“An Extended Localized Transmission Power Efficient FaultTolerant Topology Management Mechanism for Non-homogeneous Wireless Sensor Network”.ICACIE 2016.
  2. M. R Nayak, A.K. Rath “A survey on contemporary fault-tolerance based topology management techniques for tolerating sensor node failures in wireless sensor networks” Submitted to Springer.
  3. M.Sa, M.R.Nayak, A.K.Rath “A simple Agent Based Model for Detecting Abnormal Event patterns in a Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume(4):Issue(6) ISSN: 1985-1553, Pages: 580 – 588.2012.
  4. M.R.Nayak, S.K.Swain, A.K.Rath “QOS Provisioning in IEEE 802.11 Networks: Current issues” International Journal of Decision Making- Siddhant, ISSN: 2231-0649, 2007.
  5. M.R.Nayak, M.Nayak, S.K. Mohapatra “A Review of Current Trends and Issues in RFID Technology” International Journal of Decision Making- Siddhant, ISSN: 2231-0649, 2007.
  6. M.R. Nayak, P.K.Pradhan, R.K.Dalei “Enabling Mobility in WIMAX Network” International Journal of Decision Making- Siddhant, ISSN: 2231-0649, 2007.
07. M.R.Nayak “Power Saving Mechanism in Adhoc wireless network: A Network Layer Perspective” AICTE Sponsored NCIT -2007.

Message for The Students :

The world is going through unprecedented change. Challenging times like these test the strength, character and tenacity of the individual and mankindEducation should be geared, not merely for fulfilling professional aspirations, but towards a much greater Destiny, beyond Sect, Creed, Gender or Nationality. The Future calls for you, the Youth, to fulfil that higher purpose in life. ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGED WORLD ORDER????     

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