
Passion for Innovation and Excellence


Addressing Policy

The grievance redressal mechanism is well defined and operates for faculty members, students, and staff. The faculty bring their grievances to the Director’s attention through the Head of the Department. The director investigates the grievances and, if necessary, brings them to the attention of the chairman of the board of governors.

Staff grievances are routed through section heads to the appropriate administrative officer and/or registrar. The concern is occasionally referred to the director. Students should direct their academic concerns to the appropriate course coordinator. If the relevant course coordinator is unable to resolve their issues, they approach the Dean. 

Anti-Ragging Policy

Ragging means any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of treating or handling with rudeness any student or any other person, indulging in undisciplined activities which causes or have the effect of annoyance, hardship or psychological harm in a person. RCM takes these issues very seriously and has strict rules and regulations against these kinds of conduct. The anti-ragging committee has been formed to maintain the decorum of the college. 

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