


Student Committees, a committee elected by their peers to address issues and to give students an opportunity to evolve into leaders and team players by organizing activities and services. To create an environment where every student can voice out their concerns and need. 

Internal Complaint Committee

Sexual Harassment, a form of discrimination, certainly jeopardizes the environment and is completely intolerable at the Regional College of Management. Internal Complaint Committee, the committee that ensures a discrimination-free campus based on race, sex, colour, religion, age, disability or marital status.

complain committee

Grievance Cell

A Grievance cell with the primary objective of preventing unfair practices and providing a mechanism for students, parents, others, and employees to redress their grievances. The cell ensures complete resolution within one month of the receipt of the appeal. 

Anti- Ragging Committee

Ragging means any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of treating or handling with rudeness any student or any other person, indulging in undisciplined activities which causes or have the effect of annoyance, hardship or psychological harm in a person. RCM takes these issues very seriously and has strict rules and regulations against these kinds of conduct. The anti-ragging committee has been formed to maintain the decorum of the college.

anti ragging campus

Constitution of Grievance Cell

Regional College of Management has constituted a Grievance Redressal Cell with the primary objective of preventing unfair practices and to provide a mechanism to students, parents, others, and employees to redress their grievances. All the aggrieved students, parents & others may henceforth approach the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution in the first instance; and if they are not satisfied with the decision of the Committee, they may send their appeals to the Ombudsman who is appointed by the Institution. The Ombudsman shall exercise its powers to hear those grievances and ensure complete resolution within one month of the receipt of the appeal.


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