Collaboration for Effective Learning

Faculty Profile

manoj kumar satapathy

Name of the faculty: Dr. Manoj Kumar Satapathy

Academic Title:Associate Professor

Area of Expertise: Human Resource Management and Marketing Management

University: Regional College of Management (RCM), Bhubaneswar 


1. Ph. D Abide University, USA
2. PGDHSM (Post-Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management), 1st Class from IHCA,Madras.
3. MBA (Master’s degree in Business administration) 1st Class from Utkal University, Orissa
Specialization:(i) Human Resource Management (ii) Marketing Management
4. PGDM (Post-Graduate Diploma in Mgt.), 1st Class with Distn. Utkal University, Orissa.
5. LLB (Bachelor’s degree in Law), Utkal University, Orissa,
6. B.SC. (Honors) Bachelor’s Degree in Science, with (Hons) Utkal University, Orissa.
7. International Certified Career Coach from CDA(USA) and MINDLER
8. NPTEL Course on Research Methodology from IIT, Madras.
1. Dean (PGDM) & Associate Professor (MBA) (February 2024 to till to date)
RCM Global B School a unit of (Regional College of Management Trust), Bhubaneswar
Regional College of Management (RCM), the first management college in Odisha, was established in 1982.
The college has been approved under section 2(F) and 12 (b) of the UGC Act.
The institute has been conferred the status by UGC in the year 2009.
It is the first management institute in Eastern India conferred by the University Grant Commission.
The institute since its inception, developed immensely in all areas of management education.
2. Project Head (Training) (November 2018 to 31st May 2020)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhubaneswar
Dept. of Community Medicine & Family Medicine, Govt. Of India.
Lead and implemented Health and Nutrition project thru’ Odisha State Govt.) for (PVTGs) Particularly Vulnerable Tribe Groups in Odisha state.
3. Director –HR &Operations
AMIT Group of Institutions, An affiliate of BPUT Govt. of Odisha (March 2018 to September 2018)
Lead HR Operations, Research, Administration and Academic
4. Senior Program Manager -Operations, (Leadership, Team Building, Project Mgt, Capacity Building)
Citizens’ Foundations, Operational in Jharkhand, Bihar, Meghalaya &Assam (January 2018 to February 2018)
5. State Project Coordinator, (Leading a team of 885 nos professionals in Global Fund supported Project)
A -Caritas India Consortium-(SSSS) Odisha State (June2016 to January 2018)
Intensified Malaria Control Project-3 (IMCP-3) Supported by (GFATM) implemented thru’ Odisha Govt.
(Lead Recruitment, Training, Development, Corporate/ Govt. Liaison, Etc. in HR Mgt. Domain)
6. Training Coordinator
CARE India (Chhattishgarh State) (1st April 2003 to May2016)
(Lead Recruitment, Training, Development, Corporate/ Govt. Liaison, Etc. in HR Mgt. Domain)
7. Consultant-HR (Madhya Pradesh State)
Sector Investment Program, Supported by European Commission. (December 2001 to 30th March2003)
State Health & Family Welfare Sector Reform Bureau, Govt. of M.P. Bhopal
8. Executive (State-in -Charge) of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh State
Indian Immunological Ltd. August1998 to December 2001
A wholly subsidiary of National Diary Development Board (NDDB), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India
9. Senior Territory Officer (Orissa,West Begal and Jharkhand State)
November.1993 to July.1998
Hindustan Latex Ltd., (A Govt. of India undertaking) under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare GoI.
10. Visiting Faculty: RUDSETI (Rural Self Employment Training Institute.) Govt. of India.
Different Management training classes has been taken in the areas of HR Management, Soft skill, Life skill interventions, in different Management Institutions and Organization of repute since last 08 years.
  1. International Business
  2. Entrepreneurship Development
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Marketing Management
1. Work life Balance by MATS University, Chhattishgarh.
2. On Social Marketing: Need of the Hour at National Conference, AMITY University.
3. Tuberculosis disease Control and Health promotion at Pt. R.S. University, Raipur.
4. Impact of Technology on Tribal Health by CG council for Science & Technology.
5. Research paper in National Seminar 2012 of RamGarh Mahotsav, Sarguja.
6. Disaster Management by Holy Cross College of Nursing, Surguja.
7. New Trend in Social Research Technique by Govt. College, Surguja University.
8. Research paper in National Seminar 2013 of RamGarh Mahotsav, Sarguja.
9. Food Habits in National Integration Fair by Nehru Institute of Youth Affairs, Orissa.
10. Human Interest story published in CARE International 2013.
11. Education and Practice in Community Medicine, 1st Symposium in AIIMS Bhubaneswar.
12. Research paper in National Seminar 2014 of RamGarh Mahotsav, Sarguja.
13. PVTG health status in Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine National Conference.
14. Problems and Challenges in Communicable diseases in International Journal of Creative research thoughts.
15. Health and Nutrition of PVTG presented in ToT of Jiban Sampark, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar.
16. Human Interest story published in CARE International 2014
17. Research paper in National Seminar 2015 of RamGarh Mahotsav, Sarguja.
18. Regional Development Disparity on National Seminar, Sarguja. 2015
19. Importance of Hindi and Sanskrit in National Seminar in Latori, Surajpur. 2015
20. International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research, Transsellar 2019.
1. Proposal on establishment of Nutrition Cell for AIIMS & submitted to UNICEF
2. Proposal on HIV/AIDS for SSSS & submitted to Vedanta
3. Training Module on Adolescent Health for Dist Administration Kanker Under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) & RCH-II Program
4. Emergency Preparedness Plan proposal for Chhattisgarh state submitted to CARE.
1. One week FDP on Analytics in Business &Research, organize by Aditya Institute of Mgt studies.
2. Five days FDP on Application of software Tools in Research Methodology by AMITY University.
3. Two Days FDP on Research Frame Work, Stastical Analysis &Research by Bharathiar University.
4. Four Days FDP on Research paper writing skill by SSIPMT, Raipur
5. One-week STTP on Business Data Analysis &Research Publication by SSTC, CSVTU, Bhilai.
1. Art of writing Research Article in scopus Index Journals by MMES Science College.CG.
2. Changing Scenario of Corporate sector Post Covid-19 by ST. Thomas College CG.
3. IYAM Dhammalipi by AMSDO, Solapur, Maharastra.
4. Gender equality, Women Empowerment & Women Right by VEC, Lakhanpur, CG.
5. Strategy for Managing personal Finance and Investment in securities Market by IHER Foundation.
6. Cyber Sex Trafficking &Remedies under the Law by M.S. University.
7. Promoting Gender Equality by M.S. University.
8. National Educational Policy-Away forward by KLE Society, Bagewadi, College. Karnataka.
9. Communication Skill, by SSGB College, Bhusabal, Maharastra.
10. Financial Planning for all-by AEKD College, Mumbai
11. Global Approaches to Case study in Management by Indian Academy, Autonomous.
12. Personal Financial Literacy by University of Madras.
13. Pandemic Covid-19 &Environment-An Analysis by HY University, Durg.
14. Scientific writing skills for social science Research by KLE Society, Bagewadi, College. Karnataka
15. How to write Proposal for Funding by PIT, Anna University, Chennai.
16. Human Rights and Gender Dimensions by (NISD) GOI & MADAT, Orissa.
1. Planning Monitoring & Evaluation course on Public Health Mgt. from the Institute of Health Mgt, Pachod,
2. Basic Monitoring and Evaluation by CLEAR South Asia Regional Center & J-PAL Asia at IFMR.
3. On Adolescent Health, Development & Life Skill organized by RGNID, Govt. of India Chennai.
4. Marketing Effectiveness for Territory Managers conducted by ASCI, Hyderabad.
5. Stress Management by National Institute of Mental Health & Neurological science (NIMHANS)
6.The Role of Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization (ASCM) for Civil Society Partners organized by PATH with support from USAID.
7. IYCF/SAM/AG Life skill by W &CD Dept. Govt.of CG sponsored by UNICEF and CARE.
8. Program &Finance Management Training of AXSHYA INDIA project by World Vision and CARE.
9. Program and Finance Funding model workshop by World Vision and CARE.
10. National conference on Health & Wellbeing by CARITAS INDIA.
11. Training of Trainer (ToT) of RACHNA program by Go CG and CARE.
12. PR Management of Dashboard of Global Fund project by Grant Management Solutions.
13. Advocacy workshop on Scalpel Vasectomy by Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of M.P.
14. Schemes and projects for SC/ST communities by ISI and V.A.Foundation, New Delhi.
15. Recent Advances in Biotechnology for Food, Nutrition and Health Security by Institute of Life Science, GoI.
16. FPMS and Financial Orientation under AXSYA India Project by World Vision and CARE. HONORS & AWARDS
1. Chhattisgarh Pride Award 2014 by CG. CM Dr. Raman Singh and Mr. Anupam Kher jointly.
2. Geeta Glory Award by Dharadham International.
3. Best Contributor to Jiban Sampark Project by AIIMS, Bhubaneswar.
4. Best Employee Award of CARE India Adivasi HUB.
1. Planning and Implementation of the Social Marketing of a new oral contraceptive pill, “SAHELI” (A research product of CDRI Luck now), by Hindustan Latex Ltd
2. Project Report on Community Based Distribution through different Family Planning Methods. Submitted to Govt. of Orissa and DFID on behalf of Hindustan Latex Ltd.
3. On “Where the Rain Fall’’ about Climate Change at JanjGir Dist. Of Chhattisgarh state with guidance from United-Nation University and Environment and Human Security-USA. MEMBERSHIP.
1. District Adolescent Resource Team Member of Nehru Yuva Kendra, GOI.
2. Pt. Mahamana Malviya Mission, Surguja
3. K-Link Health Care International Chennai.
MS Word, Excel, Power Point
Excellent in English, Hindi & Oriya, & Working knowledge of CG & Bengali.

Message for The Students :

The world is going through unprecedented change. Challenging times like these test the strength, character and tenacity of the individual and mankindEducation should be geared, not merely for fulfilling professional aspirations, but towards a much greater Destiny, beyond Sect, Creed, Gender or Nationality. The Future calls for you, the Youth, to fulfil that higher purpose in life. ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGED WORLD ORDER????     

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