
Collaboration for Effective Learning

Addressing Policy

The grievance redressal mechanism for faculty, staff & students is well defined and operates as follows;

For Faculty

Faculty members bring their grievances to the notice of the Director through the Head of the Department. Director inquires about the grievances and if needed brings it also to the notice of the Chairman of the Board of Governors.

For Staff

The grievance is referred through the sectional heads to the concerned Administrative Officer and/or Registrar. The matter is sometimes referred to the Director.

For Students

Students refer their academic problem to the concerned course coordinator. If the concerned course coordinator is unable to solve their problems they go to the Dean.

For any problem other than academics the students refer their problem to their mentors. Besides for specific problems like hostel they refer to hostel superintendent and subsequently to warden, for placement to placement Head.

The grievances related to the examinations are referred to the Controller of the Examination. For facilities in the campus any problem arises the students refer to the Registrar.The grievances related to the departmental activities are represented to the concerned Head of the Department.In case of major grievances, students may also approach the Director for necessary action.

Admissions Open For 2025

