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It is intended that the suggestion registers will carry details, like the settlement of a grievance, the time at which the grievance was registered and also the time it was solved, etc. for the purpose of review in future.
A discussion consulting the respective staff is to be made related to the difficulty experienced in the process of settlement of the grievance and a detailed analysis needs to be done to improve the overall support processes.
During the last academic year, no such major grievances were received. Grievances otherwise registered were forwarded to the Deputy In-charge of the Institution for immediate redressal. In all such cases, prompt and justified action were taken and the matter was sorted out. The aggrieved was regularly informed of the measures taken relating to their cases, and rules and regulations of the system were reinforced to ensure there was no repetition of the same.
Plot No. GD 2/12 & 13 Chakadola Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023
Directors Chamber’s, #203, Plot No. B15, 2nd Floor, Swash lane, Sahidnagar, Bhubaneswar - 751007, Odisha
+91 90900 80801
Regional College of Management (RCM), Bhubaneswar, the first management college in Odisha, was established in 1982. The college has been approved under section 2(f) and 12 (b) of the UGC Act. The institute has been conferred the status by UGC in the year 2009. It is the first management institute in Eastern India conferred by the University Grants Commission. The institute since its inception, developed immensely in all areas of management education.
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