The Government of India (GOI) launched the integrated portal known as the Biological Research Regulatory Approval Portal (BioRRAP) in order to give researchers regulatory information and to speed up approvals.
Higher education institutions and their affiliated colleges and institutions have been urged by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to register on the Biological Research Regulatory Approval Portal (BioRRAP).
According to UGC, it is a unique digital gateway designed to increase access to science and scientific research as well as make business creation simpler. It is anticipated that BioRRAP will be connected with the data on international research initiatives that have been approved by all line Ministries and Departments of GOI (with a unique BioRRAP ID for each proposal).
It is important to note that the Health Ministry Screening Committee (HMSC), an Inter-Ministries high-level committee, was established in the early 1980s with the aim of screening all health research projects involving foreign assistance and/or collaboration.
Its other objectives included periodically monitoring the implementation and progress of bilateral agreements, extending ongoing research projects, and endorsing the transfer of human biological materials.
The appropriate approvals would be handled by the concerned Ministry of the Government of India in relation to Research Projects by entities falling under the category of Central/State Government. According to UGC’s notice, state governments have been asked to submit all such suggestions to the concerned line ministry of the government of India.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has reconstituted the Health Ministry’s Screening Committee, run by DHR/ICMR, to examine research projects involving international collaboration/funding in health research, including studies on humans, animals, plants, and the environment.
“The higher educational institutions are requested to follow the above provisions strictly and get registered on the portal,” UGC added.
(Source: OTV News)
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