Regardless of the minimum programme time, a student may be eligible to get a qualification (such as a certificate, diploma, or degree) after the necessary amount of credits has been obtained.
The University Grants Commission (UGC) has requested comments and ideas on the Expert Committee’s proposals regarding the specification of degrees and new degree nomenclature(s).
A student may be considered for the award of a qualification (like a certificate/diploma/degree) once the required number of credits have been earned, irrespective of the minimum duration of the programme.
The National Credit Framework (NCrF), the Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes (CCFUP), and the multiple entrances and multiple exits in higher education that are anticipated by NEP 2020 make it appropriate to also recognise credentials at the undergraduate certificate, undergraduate diploma, and postgraduate diploma levels.
The degree nomenclature may be modified to be in sync with international norms.
In case of specialization or a major subject at the undergraduate level, the programme nomenclature on the degree certificate awarded to the students may also be written as “Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Science in specialization”. For example, a Bachelor of Arts in Music may also be a specified nomenclature in addition to BA (Music).
In these programmes, the university is free to offer transdisciplinary and cutting-edge specialisation. The undergraduate degree curriculum may be referred to as BA/BCom/BSc if it lasts three years. The current three-year undergraduate degree programmes with honours may also be kept up.
The current nomenclature of MA/MCom/MSc, etc., may persist for a postgraduate degree curriculum that is either one year or two years in length.
A Master of Science degree curriculum, denoted by the initials MS, maybe a one-year or two-year postgraduate degree programme in any discipline.
All disciplines, including the arts, humanities, social sciences, business administration, management, and commerce, shall use this nomenclature. Visit the official UGC website or click Here for additional information.
(Source: OTV News)