
Collaboration for Effective Learning

Faculty Profile

Name of the faculty: Mr. Bibhuti Bhusan Behera

Academic Title: Assistant Professor

Area of Expertise: Internet of Things(IoT), Machine Learning & Deep Learning.

University: Regional College of Management (RCM), Bhubaneswar 

Email: bibhutibhusan.b@rcm.ac   

  • P.HD in Optimization of Industrial Processing using Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) Technology from SOA University.
  • Executive MBA from Utkal University. M.Tech(CSE) from KIIT University
  • Currently working as Asst. Professor in Regional College of Management (RCM) in the Department of IT (Information Technology) from November 2023 to till date.
  • Worked as Assoc. Professor (HOD) in Shibani Institute of Technical Education in the department of CSE from July 2009 to July 2023.
  • Worked as a Lecturer in Silicon Institute of Technology in the department of CSE from December 2005 to June 2009.
  • Worked as a Teaching Assistant in “Krupajal Engineering College” in the department of CSE from October 2004 to November 2005.
  • Worked as a Sr. Faculty in the Organization “Computer Research and Application Center”, C.S. Pur, Bhubaneswar since July 2000 to September 2004.
  • Programming in C and C++, Data Structure, Java, DBMS.
  • Analysis and Design of Algorithm, Operating System
  • Android Programming,
  • Internet of Things, Computer Graphics.
  1. Behera, B.B., Mohanty, R.K. and Pattanayak, B.K., 2022. Attack Detection and Mitigation in Industrial IoT: An Optimized Ensemble Approach. Specialusis Ugdymas, 1(43), pp.879-905. 
  2. Behera, B.B., Mohanty, R.K. and Pattanayak, B.K., 2022. A Synthesized Architecture And Future Research Directions For Industrial Iot In The Mining Industry. JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL.65 ISS. 2 2022.
    1. Behera, B.B., Mohanty, R.K. and Pattanayak, B.K., 2022. Ensemble Model for Detecting Attacks in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). NeuroQuantology, June 2022, Volume 20,Issue 6,Page1399-1409.doi: 10.14704/ nq.2022.20.6. NQ22135.
  3. Behera, B.B., Pattanayak, B.K. and Mohanty, R.K., 2022. Deep Ensemble Model for Detecting Attacks in Industrial IoT. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), 16(1), pp.1-29.
  4. Behera, B.B., Mohanty, R.K. and Pattanayak, B.K., A Deep Fusion Model For Automated Industrial IoT Cyber Attack Detection And Mitigation. International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research, 10(3), pp.604-613.

Message for The Students :

The world is going through unprecedented change. Challenging times like these test the strength, character and tenacity of the individual and mankindEducation should be geared, not merely for fulfilling professional aspirations, but towards a much greater Destiny, beyond Sect, Creed, Gender or Nationality. The Future calls for you, the Youth, to fulfil that higher purpose in life. ARE YOU READY FOR A CHANGED WORLD ORDER????     

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