An Insight To The Seminars, Workshops, And Trainings Provided At RCM

When it comes to the overall 360-development of a student, RCM goes all out to ensure that the students receive every beneficial aspect there is. From seminars to workshops to training sessions, RCM leaves no stone unturned.ย ย ย 

Given below are just some of the sessions that RCM has conducted for the overall knowledge of the students from some of the eminent and skilled coaches and speakers from all over the country.ย ย 

Training Session on Personality Development- byโ€ฏRoopashreeโ€ฏSuranaโ€ฏย ย 

The training session on Personality Development by Ms Roopashree Surana, a leading performance coach and corporate behavioural trainer of the state, was held on 22nd Oct 2019 in RCM premises from 10:00 a.m. โ€“ 6:00 p.m.ย ย 

This session was aimed to focus on sharing tips and guidelines on image management for the students which included specific training on professional etiquette. Msโ€ฏSurana took the effort to discussโ€ฏeach and everyโ€ฏminute detail starting from how to dress up for a job interview to how to deal with people professionally.ย ย 

She also emphasized on basics of business communication to giveโ€ฏthe students a clear insight intoโ€ฏhow to present themselves as confident individuals in the ever-changing competitive world. It was quite an informative session for the students where they got an opportunity to learn how thingsโ€ฏactually workโ€ฏin a corporate sector.ย ย 

It was aโ€ฏone-dayโ€ฏtraining program for management students of all streams to provide them with a checklist of doโ€™s and donโ€™ts in the professional field.โ€ฏย ย 

Training Session

Training Sessionโ€ฏOnโ€ฏBasicsย Ofย Communication- Byโ€ฏJasobantโ€ฏNarayanโ€ฏSinghlalโ€ฏย ย 

Mr.โ€ฏJasobantโ€ฏNarayanโ€ฏSinghlal, eminent soft-skills trainer and performance enhancer was on campus to giveโ€ฏmanagement studentsโ€ฏspecial tips onโ€ฏeffectiveโ€ฏbusiness communication.ย ย 

This session was held on 7thโ€ฏSept 2019 at RCM auditorium from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. to give a basic idea to the students regarding how toโ€ฏwrite businessโ€ฏe-mails andโ€ฏhow toโ€ฏcommunicate effectively atโ€ฏdifferent levels of management in the corporate sector.โ€ฏTheโ€ฏsession was a real eye โ€“ opener for the students before stepping into theโ€ฏcompetitiveโ€ฏprofessional world.โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Mr.โ€ฏJasobantโ€ฏalso spoke onโ€ฏthe seven virtues of leadership to helpโ€ฏstudentsโ€ฏtransform into professionals who can stand out in a crowd.โ€ฏApart from learningโ€ฏthe basics of communicationโ€ฏthe session included several activities andโ€ฏguidelines for building self-confidence in students.โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Jasobantโ€ฏsaidโ€ฏโ€œCriticism, instead of demotivating, should be accepted and provide inspiration for improvement.โ€โ€ฏThis willโ€ฏgivesโ€ฏa boost to oneโ€™sโ€ฏself-confidenceโ€ฏand allow oneโ€ฏto start believing in oneself; the first and surest step for a successful future.โ€ย ย 

His encouraging words made the students realize that it is good to make mistakes in life as we always learnโ€ฏsomething from our mistakes. Theโ€ฏsession was followed by a couple of group activities and warm-up dance session for the students;โ€ฏOverall it was a great learning experience for studentsโ€ฏwhoโ€ฏboth enjoyed andโ€ฏbenefitted immensely from this unique opportunity.โ€ฏย ย 

Aโ€ฏseminarโ€ฏonโ€ฏโ€œRecentโ€ฏTrends in HRMโ€โ€ฏwas held on 12thโ€ฏSept 2019 from 3:00 p.m.-โ€ฏ5:00 p.m. in RCM premises asโ€ฏpart of HR Club Activity for Management students. The Chief Speakerโ€ฏDr.โ€ฏSuvenduโ€ฏDas, Managing Director,โ€ฏHiteiseeโ€ฏConsulting Services, gaveโ€ฏa detailedโ€ฏpresentation with insight into theโ€ฏrecent developments in HRMโ€ฏand theโ€ฏrequired skill set for a job profileโ€ฏin the field of HRM.ย ย 

Heโ€ฏemphasized thatโ€ฏstudentsโ€ฏmust understand the need to keep updating their knowledge skills if they want to crack a job interview at the first go. He spoke about the necessary attributes a candidate should have to grab the opportunity by creating a good impression onโ€ฏthe recruiters. This is because the biggest challenge lies in the question โ€˜Why should a company hire you?โ€™โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Mr Dasโ€ฏelaborated the difference between hard skills and soft skills to be possessed and their importance in the job selection criteria. He explained that acquiring hard skills which involves knowledge and training about hardware and software can be easy but acquiring the required set of soft skills for job selection is a bigger challenge.ย ย 

This is because if we do not change our mind setโ€ฏin order toโ€ฏadapt ourselves to face the upcoming challenges, it is difficult to survive in todayโ€™s competitive world.โ€ฏSo,โ€ฏwe should always follow the principle of โ€˜Survival of the fittestโ€™ and groom ourselves accordingly.โ€ฏย ย 

Overall, the Seminar was very productive in allowing students to be aware of current practices inโ€ฏHRM asโ€ฏwell as providing them with aโ€ฏset of guidelines to be followed if they are hungry for success.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Conference on the Dissemination of Multi-sector approaches and possible ways to overcome challenges with innovationย ย 

The training session on Personality Development by Msย Roopshreeย Surana, a leading performance coach and corporateย behavioralย trainer of the state, was held on 22nd Oct 2019 inย RCMย premises from 10:00 a.m. โ€“ 6:00 p.m.ย ย ย ย 

Both National and international delegates hadโ€ฏgraced the occasion. Student and faculty from various management Institutionsโ€ฏof the country as well as International professionalsโ€ฏparticipated and presented their papers on related topics at different technical session.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Professorโ€ฏPatnaik said,โ€ฏโ€œBusiness should emphasize on technology with a human touch.โ€ Professor Tirupati insisted that,โ€ฏโ€œAttitudinal change is vital to any businessโ€,โ€ฏandโ€ฏProfessorโ€ฏMahtabโ€ฏobserved,โ€ฏโ€œBest practices should be done in a rhythm and flow that you can control.โ€โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Drโ€ฏPrabir Pal,โ€ฏChairman RCM,โ€ฏwelcomedโ€ฏthe delegates and observed thatโ€ฏconferencesโ€ฏopen upโ€ฏscope for wider interaction and get exposure to students and faculty to multi-sectoral trends in global management stop next line. Professorโ€ฏDr.โ€ฏPradeep k Tripathi was the conference chairmanโ€ฏwhile Professorโ€ฏG.C.โ€ฏSamalโ€ฏandโ€ฏProfessorโ€ฏPragyanโ€ฏParamita Dasโ€ฏwereโ€ฏthe conveners.โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Seminarsโ€ฏOnโ€ฏChangesย Inย Global Economy.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

The seminar wasโ€ฏorganizedโ€ฏin RCM on 29thโ€ฏMarch 2019 on aspects of changing in global economy. Professorโ€ฏKasinathโ€ฏJena,โ€ฏTripura University,โ€ฏthe chief speakerโ€ฏsharedโ€ฏhis knowledge and experience on how the global economy is changing over the past two decades and its implications onโ€ฏprevailing marketing andโ€ฏHRโ€ฏstrategies.โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Professor Jenaโ€ฏexplainedโ€ฏhow the market Monopoly of many popular brands of theโ€ฏpre-globalizationโ€ฏeraโ€ฏcollapsed suddenly due to lack of implementation of innovative ideas. He saidโ€ฏโ€œidea is the root of everything.โ€ฏIdea isโ€ฏthe pathway to knowledge and knowledge opens theโ€ฏroad to emergingโ€ฏtechnologies.โ€โ€ฏย 

He spoke on how the use of Technology through continuous research and development provides a ladder to growing economy and how the idea has been replaced byโ€ฏNeuro-Linguisticโ€ฏProgrammingโ€ฏorโ€ฏNLP.โ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Workshopย Onย Design Your Destinyโ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Dr.ย E.V.โ€ฏSwaminathโ€ฏfrom The Spiritualโ€ฏorganization,โ€ฏโ€œPrajapItaโ€ฏBrahmakumariโ€โ€ฏwas the keynote speaker atโ€ฏtheโ€ฏseminarโ€ฏโ€œDesign Your Destinyโ€โ€ฏconducted at RCM on 2ndโ€ฏApril 2019. A skilledโ€ฏand engaging orator,โ€ฏMr.โ€ฏSwaminathan,โ€ฏkept the studentโ€ฏalertโ€ฏand entertained withโ€ฏintelligentโ€ฏandโ€ฏwittyโ€ฏdiscourse on how to take responsibility of Designing oneโ€™s own destiny.ย ย 

Spoke on definingโ€ฏoneโ€™sโ€ฏmission and vision,โ€ฏminding oneโ€™s mind,โ€ฏand taking time to locate and understand problem before findingโ€ฏaโ€ฏsolution.โ€ฏHe also advisedโ€ฏon the art of knowing oneself and to maintain equilibrium even in the eye of a storm. The lecture was widely appreciated and benefited both students and faculty.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

Postโ€ฏBudget Analysis Sessionโ€ฏโ€ฏย ย 

This wasโ€ฏorganizedโ€ฏby 29thโ€ฏJanuary 2019โ€ฏwhere the Chiefโ€ฏSpeaker was formerโ€ฏMinister and economist,โ€ฏDrโ€ฏPanchananโ€ฏKanungo. He gave an elaborate analysis of the current budget 2018โ€ฏ-โ€ฏ19 to the students and faculty members.โ€ฏHis entire emphasis on budget analysis wasโ€ฏcenteredโ€ฏaround the possible impact on various micro andโ€ฏmacroeconomicsโ€ฏparameters which was rightly debated among students and staff. It wasโ€ฏentirelyโ€ฏan interactiveโ€ฏsessionโ€ฏand inferences were drawn more meaningfully.โ€ฏโ€ฏย 

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