According to the panel’s chair, Jagadesh Kumar, the University Grants Commission (UGC) is distributing fellowships and scholarships via a bank site integrated with the public financial management system for direct benefit transfer payments. The scholarship and fellowship management portal (SFMP) for the disbursement of amounts has been developed by Canara Bank he said.
According to Kumar, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has added new portal upgrades like connecting initiated by the scholar, monthly payment confirmation initiated by the scholar, tracking modules, grievance modules, and onboarding of academic users.
“Payments to awardees are generated automatically on the portal for all awardees linked by university, institution, or college based on the monthly confirmation of candidates by the university, institution, or college concerned on the designated web portal, scholarship,,” he said.
The UGC chief said the commission has decided to hold a training session or workshop for nodal officers working on the portal through the virtual mode from November 14 to 18.
“All the institutions are requested to delegate the nodal officers concerned (makers and checkers) working on SFMP to attend the workshop mandatorily. “The link to the virtual meet will be announced soon,” he added.
(Source: Times of India)