According to UGC, a short-term, multi-tier, credit-based modular plan with many points of entry and exit focused on Indian heritage and culture to promote the interest of people from abroad to visit India.
Guidelines for the establishment of courses based on Indian Heritage and Culture have been published by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
According to UGC, a short-term, multi-tier, credit-based modular plan with many points of entry and exit focused on Indian heritage and culture to promote the interest of people from abroad to visit India. Based on the degree of learning outcomes and the rigour of the curricular structure of relevant disciplines, the course can be offered at three district levels- Introductory level, Intermediate level, and Advanced level.
Eligibility and Target Group
People from different nations who are interested in the history, culture, and educational system of India and who have registered in such particular courses to further their education are eligible for admission.
Techniques and Media for Teaching and Learning
To teach these types of multi- and trans-disciplinary programmes, faculty from several Departments will be enlisted. The libraries, institutions and experts of the relevant disciplines are to be included in the excursion.
Programme Framework
Every programme shall be of 60 hrs duration that may be offered under flexible and hybrid (online/offline mode) modes. It is recommended to include discourse with learned educators (Acharyas), artists/artisans/craftsman, confluence with religious devotees (Satsang), exposure to folk cultures and visits to famous places in the programmes, especially at an advanced level under this scheme.
For other details, visit the official UGC website or click Here.
(Source: OTV English)