Passion for Innovation and Excellence

We Care

Grievance Redressal Cell Ensures Stakeholder Needs and Rights Because We Care

The Grievance Redressal Cell at RCM focuses on genuine problems and complaints of students and faculty members because we care. The cell is intended to give a fair hearing to any complaint and to find their respective and appropriate solutions. It holds meetings periodically and takes necessary steps to redress grievances. The Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted by the Principal and consists of faculty members, staff, and students – demonstrating that we care about fostering a supportive and just environment.

Important Notes for the Students and Faculty Members Beacuse We Care

  • Students and faculty members are encouraged to use the suggestion boxes placed in various sections around the RCM campus to express grievances and constructive suggestions because we care.

  • They may also approach the members of the cell or any of their other faculty members with respect to their issues.
  • Students and faculty members are informed that making a complaint is a serious issue and therefore they should use this power responsibly.
  • The college ensures when students and faculty members make a complaint, it is dealt with sensitivity and complete confidentiality.

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