As the exam approaches, candidates who are already preparing for the exam must be aware of every piece of news and information related to the OJEE. The information brochure is one of the most important things to go through first. It contains true and useful information concerning the OJEE exam, the process, criteria, and eligibility. That is why the OJEE website offers brochures for the candidates firsthand. This information is even for those who wish to learn more about it.
As the candidates already know, it is the Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE), which is a centralized state-government exam that allows students to apply to a variety of private and public medical, engineering, and business institutions in Odisha.
One can visit the official website to learn more about the exam. To get the overall knowledge of the OJEE 2022 information brochure, which is present on the site, here is an outlook:
- The brochure contains information for admission to first year degree courses IN B. PHARM, B. CAT, and integrated MBA (5 years).
- First-year masterโs degree courses in MCA, MBA, M TECH, M PHARM, M ARCH, M PLAN lateral admission to second year (third semester) B. TECH, B. PHARMA, and Odisha Joint Entrance Examination.
The contents of the OJEE in the information brochure include the following essential information that an applicant should be aware of:
The content table of the OJEE information brochure includes:
- Introduction
- The salient features of the Odisha Professional Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act, 2007.
- Important Notes for Applicants:
- Selection of an Appropriate Type of Application Form
- The Process of Filling-Up the Application Form Online
- Publication of Results and Seat Matrix for Various Courses
- Fee Structure
- Reservations
- The Importance of a Birth/Residence Certificate
- Criteria for Minimum Eligibility
- OJEE-2022 Exam Rules and Pattern of Examination
- Entrance Examination Rules
- Examination Procedure/Valuation Methodology
- The Pattern of Examination
- Choice of Examination Centers
- Appendix I to VII:
- The address for communication
Candidates may also download the OJEE 2022 Syllabus PDF and the exam brochure to receive all the information about OJEE, which is going to be held soon.
Why Is It Important:
It is essential for candidates to understand while learning about the information brochure because it is a basic right for an applicant, to grasp all the information before taking the exam to learn about the benefits, criteria, eligibility, fee structure, and procedures to follow with all government-mandated indexes. One can be prepared in advance if any issues or exam-related problems emerge.
So, if you are taking the OJEE, these are some of the most crucial things to remember. We have also included a detailed article containing test preparation ideas and advice on how to plan and prepare for success. Those who are interested can read the article and learn about the accomplishments. And we wish you all the best and good luck with your test.