AICTE- Swayam

AICTE Announces New Online SWAYAM Credit Courses to Promote Innovation 

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has introduced two online credit programmes for remote sensing and intellectual property rights (IPR). Engineering students can broaden their horizons in terms of their field of study by enrolling in SWAYAM online credit courses. 

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has recently introduced SWAYAM online credit courses on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Remote Sensing to increase high-tech culture among students. Non-engineering students can also pursue these online credit courses, which will be taught by professors of eminent institutes in the country. 

Students who enroll in the two online credit courses on IPR and remote sensing will learn about the fundamentals of IPR, the principles of remote sensing, and applications of those technologies in relation to geographic information systems (GIS) and global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), respectively.

The distance learning credit courses would last 15–16 weeks. More students in the rural belt are the focus of AICTE’s educational efforts. 

Speaking of which, Rajive Kumar, member secretary, AICTE, stated, “The latest SWAYAM online credit courses on IPR and Basics of Remote Sensing that have been introduced by us can even be opted for by the non-engineering students.

However, students from an engineering or science background would be more inclined to take up these online credit courses as they are interrelated with science and engineering streams. Remote sensing is an emerging technology, which is taught by professors from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun, while professors from IIT Kharagpur will teach the course on IPR. Students can register on the SWAYAM portal. 

Buddha Chandrasekhar, chief coordinating officer, AICTE, Ministry of Education, says, “The new online credit courses that are introduced have been conceived and designed to provide engineering students with an opportunity to learn beyond their technical curriculum.

By pursuing these online credit courses, students will be able to expand their higher-order thinking skills. The online credit course on IPR is crucial for innovators and research-oriented engineers who intend to dive deep into product development and establish start-ups. 

Courses on Remote Sensing and Geospatial technologies are specialized technical areas with a multidisciplinary target audience. It would help all engineering students to familiarize the target audience.

It would help all engineering students familiarise themselves with the fundamentals and diverse future practical applications like IoT, 5G, etc. In the IPR online credit courses, students will be given an introduction to understanding the significance of Intellectual Property Rights in the global business domain. 

While studying the courses on Remote Sensing, students will get to study the basics of Remote Sensing and the applications related to GIS and GNSS technology. The duration of the newly introduced online courses would be 15 to 16 hours.”  

(Source: Time of India

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