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2005 – 2008 B.A. with “Industrial Relations & Personnel Management” (Honours) passed from Muniguda College, Muniguda, Rayagada with 1st Class Honours 67.25 % Distinction 70.3% Aggregate 59%.
2003- Matriculation passed from Muniguda High School,Muniguda, with 2nd Class 53 %.
Humanities & Social Sciences ,Industrial Relations & Personnel Management
“MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE CONTEXT OF COMPLEX TECHNOLOGICAL WORLD: A Theoretical Perspective on the State of Odisha” International Journal of Management
& Social Sciences, ISSN: 2455-2267, Vol. 03, Issue-02, May 2016, pg-19-43.
“MEASURING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS: A Study of TRLKrosaki Refractories Ltd, Belpahar, Odisha”, International Journal of Management & Social Sciences, ISSN: 2455-2267, Vol. 05, Issue 01, 2016, Pg no.131-151.
“THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE PROGRAM OF PROTECTION & PROMOTION OF WOMEN IN INDIA:” International Journal of Research in Management Studies, ISSN: 2455-7595(Online),Volume No. 1, Issue No. 9(September-2016), Page-12-21.
“Impact of HRD on Employee Motivation-A Study in Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela (Odisha)”. Published on 30th April, 2020, Publication Issue: March-April 2020 published by The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc., TEST Engineering & Management (SCOPUS), ISSN: 0193-4120, Volume 83 Page Number: 22498 – 22512
“PROBLEMS PERTAINING MIGRATION OF FEMALE TRIBAL POPULATION: A Demographic Perspective on Migratory Patterns and Struggle with Special reference to Sundargarh District, Odisha” published in the Book Education Development and
Tribal Women, First Edition: 2017, ISBN: 978-93-8315-898-0, S.K. Book Agency, New Delhi.
“RETAINING TALENT”: A TURN AROUND STRATEGY IN THE CONTEXT OF JOB AND CONSEQUENT ENVIRONMENT IN INDIAN ORGANISATIONS” published in the Book Human Resource Management: Exploring New Dimensions, First Edition-2015, Technical
Session-IV, Change Management, cross culture Talent Management Attrition & Retention and HR Outsourcing, Sl. No. 1, Page No.-579-584, ISBN: 978-93-85100-54-3, Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, Hyderabad
Awarded with Ph.D degree from Berhampur University in I.R & P.M. (Humanities & Social Science) on 27th January, 2022.
Plot No. GD 2/12 & 13 Chakadola Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023
Directors Chamber’s, #203, Plot No. B15, 2nd Floor, Swash lane, Sahidnagar, Bhubaneswar - 751007, Odisha
+91 90900 80801
Regional College of Management (RCM), Bhubaneswar, the first management college in Odisha, was established in 1982. The college has been approved under section 2(f) and 12 (b) of the UGC Act. The institute has been conferred the status by UGC in the year 2009. It is the first management institute in Eastern India conferred by the University Grants Commission. The institute since its inception, developed immensely in all areas of management education.
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