Then, Dr. Anup Das, Professor of Sociology, Utkal University, presented an introduction of Professor Gyoergy Szell. He informed that Dr. Szell was a Professor of Sociology at the University of Osnabrück/F.R.G. from 1973 to 2006, Prof. em., also from the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan; several times Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences; Vice-president of the University from 1995 to 1997; Coordinator for international cooperation of the Department of Social Sciences; Cofounder of ECOS-Consult, Osnabrück (part-time activities there); Cofounding Director of the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies and of the interdisciplinary research group Third World – Development and Environment; Founding Director of the Europe Research Centre & the Japan Research Centre at the University of Osnabrück, Founding member of the UNESCO Forum of Researchers on Human Settlements, and of EUROSCIENCE, member of the German-speaking Association for Third World Studies (AfEf) 1995-2005. His Main Research Areas are: Corporate Social Responsibility; Science and Technology Assessment; Environment and Society; Regional Sustainable Development; Ecological Management; Participation and Self- Management; Comparative Labour Relations; New Technologies and Trade Unions; Arms Conversion; European Studies; Asian Studies, namely Japan and China; Third World Studies;
He postulated that CSR is a global phenomena & issue, and as a part of the globe, EU is trying to create a stakeholder democracy since there lies a close relationship between CSR & stakeholders. CSR contains both social and ecological issues. Hence, now-a- days the buzz word is “CSER – Corporate Social & E c o l o g i c a l Responsibility”, which would ultimately lead to Sustainable Development. The major motive behind such type of CSR activities is environmental protection and sustainable development that means looking forward to our future generation, what we would leave behind ourselves for our next generation.