
Career Friendly Activities to Do in Quarantine

The world is still reeling in the effects of the coronavirus. As a student, you may be asking yourself where it leaves you. What do you even do in these unprecedented and uncertain times? 

While you are left in the dark as to where the world is going, what is going to be your future, or what should you be planning, here are some career friendly activities. You can indulge in them while building up your rapport for a successful career up ahead.  

1. Work on your online presence 

Start an account on LinkedIn. Use the platform to connect to course mates, organisations you’re interested in, or keep a lookout for possible career opportunities. 

2. Maintain or pick up a hobby 

Now that you are to stay in a confined environment, it’s better to take up a hobby that is compatible with a restricted space. It could be anything, from painting to learning how to play a guitar. Or from gardening to taking up DIYs. If you are interested in computers, try to take up coding or digital marketing.  

3. Learn a language 

Having language skills can keep you one step ahead from your competitors. It can be a huge plus point in your prospective career if you know languages and mention it in your CV. Whether you choose to build on the vocabulary you picked up at GCSE or go back to basics with a completely new language, its completely up to you. 

Use this time to learn a new language online. There are numerous apps that can teach you the basic languages like Duolingo, Memrise, or even Udemy.  

Career friendly activities

4. Take an online course 

Taking a more structured stance on your career building, take up an online course in your subject of interest and build up your skills and qualifications. Joining an online class require no prior knowledge so you can explore any topic that sparks your curiosity in subjects such as business, computer science, law, health, psychology, media and history. 

The more courses you learn, the more skills you gain and the more valuable candidate you become during your placements. RCM has a ton of online class opportunities to provide you with the best of skills and development for your 360-degree growth and improvement.  

5. Bring your CV up to date 

If you haven’t looked at your CV in a while, then this is the best opportunity for you. Spend an afternoon bringing your CV up to date. Add new skills, new degrees, and new qualifications. Take a new template for your CV if you think the previous one is not attractive. 

Remember, an attractive, crisp, and up-to-date truthful CV is one of the most important steps towards fulfilling your career goals.  

6. Become a virtual volunteer 

Mentioning a volunteering experience is incredibly good for your CV. If you aren’t currently able to volunteer in person, not all volunteering involves leaving your house. 

There is a constant need for volunteers especially in these times. Where the whole world is going hungry, in pain, and in need of support, volunteers are the only hope.  

7. Put together a reading list 

Instead of sitting idle, you can take up a hobby of reading books. This is not only an effective way of spending time, but you can also get to open up a plethora of knowledge. Books can give you an access to a window of information and pleasure as you dive into the world of fiction and nonfiction.  

Mentioning this particular hobby will definitely give you brownie points and make you look like an intellectual to your hiring managers. It will immediately put you in a higher position in the eyes of your hiring manager.  

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