In this article, we will talk about how the COVID pandemic and the advent of the disease gave rise to a new way of learning. With everything shifted to online platforms, admissions, classes, activities, etc. education has taken to the positive side of things.
Online education system due to the COVID has made things significantly easier for students and teachers alike. Instead of waiting fruitless for the pandemic to end, we give you reasons why not to waste a whole year on unproductivity.
If we witness the past, pandemics have forced people into a corner and break free to imagine the world in a new light. Pandemics have been a portal, a gateway to a whole different world. We can either choose to walk the way through the portal, or drag our despair, our sufferings, and our prejudice behind us.
The Covid Pandemic and the Push to Online Learning
In these times of confusion and crisis among the COVID spread, educational institutions should gauge their options carefully regarding online education and adapting to technology. These choices made can potentially reflect in the future of the students. Their careers, further education, etc. will be affected.
Online learning and online education can be of different types. Those that are more innovative and engaging and those that use usual processes of knowledge delivery as well as assessment.
The processes can be molded by different education-based philosophy and reformed pedagogy. E-learning, any way you see it, is a thousand times better than sitting at home patiently waiting for situations to get normal.
Online learning has always been mistaken as an equal to content-driven self-study. Online classes where the advantageous implications are limited to the independence of time and space. Contrary to that however, learning digitally consists of textual context as well as video-based sessions.
Firstly, we utilize an authenticated learning framework that focuses centrally on collaborative knowledge. This would give a competitive edge to the students during the COVID pandemic.
Secondly, our engaging teaching pedagogy with our highly skilled and trained faculty better implements teaching and learning. Therefore, wasting a year, when a better and more convenient approach is possible, should not be encouraged.
What Should Be Done in the COVID Crisis?
When it comes to education during the pandemic, there are some pressing issues. To solve them, educational research needs to shift its focus from offering ways on how technologies solve existing problems.
The sense of urgency has been looming over us. The pandemic has revealed how fragile education as its conveyor belt is.
While the pandemic lasts, it is crucial to look ahead and envision a better future. It is important to use this time to build yourself up in terms of education. Opting for admissions in institutions where they offer online education is an option that will be high yielding in the future.
Discussion and Conclusion
Educational Institutes, especially during these times, have adapted themselves to new ways of learning. They strive hard to ensure that the students make the best of these times.
At RCM, our e-learning sessions prove to be beneficial for our students. Students, who were preferring to skip a year, will find this method of learning incredibly helpful.
With technology changing in ways to improve itself, students should opt for online learning platforms for a better scope in career. RCM provides the best of both worlds- learning and online facilities.
Our highly interactive and innovative learning pedagogy is built keeping in mind the needs of our students. Our One-on-one Mentoring, video sessions, avant-garde curriculum, all come together to give you a classroom experience in the comfort of your home.
Join RCM for the experience of a lifetime. If you want to skip a year, think again. With our exclusive and extensive case-based curriculum and online learning, make the best of the pandemic.
Good Luck