
Passion for Innovation and Excellence

Functional Clubs

Functional Club

At RCM, the students are encouraged to participate in various Functional clubs and become acquainted with other students and faculty. Functional clubs reflect the students’ current interests and must be formally recognized. Activities and events like, plays, concerts, tournaments are organized each semester.

RCM’s functional club organizes events covering every area of functional management including Guest Lectures, Group Discussions, Role Plays, Debates, Quizzes etc., to showcase the students’ talent. It strives to enhance the development of professional skills among students and promote program identity.

The Functional club include;

  • Literary Society : RCM supports literary awareness inside the campus through activities, meetings, and discussions every year.
  • Music Society: It facilitates music-teaching and learning, research and dialogue, musical creativity and expression etc., as per the students’ interests.
  • Management Society: The students gain knowledge and insight into the business world through creative activities, group discussion etc., and can stay up-to-date on new developments in the management field.
  • Art Club: RCM offers the art loving students with the extracurricular visual arts activities and provides ample opportunities to the community for advanced art education.
  • Cultural Society: It secures the holistic development of the students and promotes awareness about Indian culture and heritage among its members and within the campus.

Industry Institute Interface

Marketing Club
