Today’s workforce is highly dominated by Millennials and Gen Z employees. It’s because they have a fresh perspective and a deep-rooted motivation. But the main flaw with this group is, they are one of the most stressed out and distracted generations ever.
So, it’s important for the employers to keep them motivated by providing extravagant methods at the workplace that could keep the spirits high amongst the millennials.
Every company is looking for an enthusiastic millennial employee who can work with bring an innovative mind in the organization. But here’s the catch. Gen Z employees hate to work in a tedious environment where their work does not get appreciated.
All these negative factors in a workplace tend to lose their interest. In order to keep them occupied and zealous at the company, the employee must opt the below mentioned ideas:
- Keep the Workspace Digitalize- Millennials consider digital tools as their closest friends. They grew up using trendy digitalized products which means their workspace must at least have the technology near to what they use at home.
- Most of the start-ups are now adopting an onboarding procedure where the new starters are allowed to select the PC/Laptop/Headphones and any particular gadget that they wish to use and that could keep them involved with the technology that they have become habituated to.
- Fortify belonging- As per Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, belonging is considered one of the major characteristics an individual or an employee needs to feel as if, they are likable and belong to the team. This motivates them to stay engaged.
- This thought especially lies within the Millennials. For them, the need to belong is stronger than the previous generation. Memory sharing, team building exercises, etc. are the ways a company can adopt to help the Millennial employees belonging feeling alive.
- Frequent soft skills training– This generation are likely to be said as the tech-savvies and problem solvers who have great passion and dedication to work parallelly. And it is the soft skill training that can benefit them a lot.
- Generally, the millennial employees change their jobs quite quickly because of which most of them lack a proper guidance from their mentors. So, every company must start this soft skills training which could bring forth the attention of this generation within the companies.
- Regular feedback- Feedback is the key for this millennial generation. Because it is important for them to know how their performance has been in the last month or year and what else is expected from their end.
- But majority of them have stated that their managers are not always prepared to give them an honest feedback. So, the managers must consider this point and conduct a performance review meeting once a year.
When millennials enter the workforce, they have high expectations as they are technology savvy, have updated information and are full of alternatives. But it is quite difficult for the companies to keep these millennial employees stuck with them.
So, it is going to be exciting to know how the employers can strategically keep these employees’ engagement and make their company an appropriate place for the millennials.