Passion for Innovation and Excellence


Get Set with Industry Ready Skills

Mentoring System

In recent years, Mentoring System has emerged as a strong response to the plight of students at-risk. RCM offers a highly-efficient Mentoring system through which a group of students consisting of 8-10 students are assigned to a faculty member at the commencement of the program. Mentors meet their students and guide them with their studies and extra-curricular activities. They also provide advice relating to selection of major, career guidance and personal problems. The mentors act as guides to the students during their summer and final projects. The mentoring system of RCM ensures that the students adapt to the dynamic learning environment and lead their ways into highly successful careers.

An institution where

  • Mentors are assigned to monitor and guide students all through the two years.
  • Mentors coordinate with the parents regarding the progress of the students.
  • Mentors also keep track of the mentees’ performance during the Summer internship by continuous interaction with the industry guide designated to the student by the company.
  • Mentors communicate with fellow faculty and promote mentees at the time of difficulty / opportunity to help them develop further in their areas of interest.

An institution where HODs of all Departments

  • Meet all mentors of his/her department at least once a month for the reviewing of proper implementation of the system.
  • Suggest and advise mentors whenever necessary.
  • Initiate administrative action on a student (when necessary).
    Give a detailed report of the mentoring system to the Head of the Institute time to time.
  • The Academic Committee of the Institute discusses the mentoring related issues at least twice in a semester and revises or upgrade the system if necessary. 

Why a Mentoring system?

  • Enhances the students’ confidence and challenges them by setting higher goals, taking risks and ultimately guiding them to achieve higher levels.
  • Individual recognition and encouragement.
  • Psychosocial support at the time of need.
  • Routine advice on balancing of academic and professional responsibilities.
  • Mentors act as role models and facilitate leadership by developing the interpersonal skills and helping students thrive in competitive environments.
  • Students get access to a support system (Mentors) during the crucial stages of their academic, professional and intellectual development.
  • Students get an insider’s perspective on navigating your career in the right channel.
  • Students get an exposure to diverse academic and professional perspectives, and experiences in various fields.
  • The mentees get a direct access to powerful resources within your major or profession.
  • The mentors lay the foundation for the students to reach greater heights in their professional lives- Thereby contributing to lasting personal and professional relationship.

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